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spotty-bee's avatar

Interview with Jury



Here is Jury, reviewing bobbi's Job resume- as she cannot speak, the resume explains- and after a few moments of consideration (and something about peering into her soul,... weird.) He claimed that she was free to do work, and he was not in-fact weird, as she had perviously thought in her head...


Today I played around with layers, more pen tool and putting in textures. I shall now list them.

Paper on the Wall- Desk Wood- Faint innards of Jury's eyes.
Very faint innards of Jury's Body- Jury's Container innards- Back Wall -

This was a bucket of fun, and I encourage everyone to try using textures in their pictures. Just be sure to read the rules of each texture, and when your looking, use the word free in the browser to be safe.
Image size
2552x3353px 728.14 KB
© 2013 - 2024 spotty-bee
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SabreMushy's avatar
Something awesome about the black and red keystone :D it just looks bad ass lol.

Interesting use of wallpapers and stuff O.o